Why did Thomas Jefferson hate central banks?

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If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers...

Answer (5):


Yea, I'm not a big fan of Cain.
Especially after he talked about how stupid everyone is that asks a question remotely related to the central banking system, the Fed or the audacity of just wanting to know what's going on. Then, like a week later, for some reason he changed his opinion.... That's sounds like the kind of guy who is on your side, and one you can trust, right? I hope the recent wind he's picked up in his sails fades away, and people get educated about the Fed and our history.

And that is an excellent choice of quote. I wish those morons protesting there student loan debt and everyone else would sit down with a basic economics book, or just study history a little so all of their intentions would not be in vain. It's a real shame, what we've become. Brainless, dickless, and incompetent all at the same time.

Bambi Flower

Because he was a brilliant statesman and prophet and he was right. Look at us now except for the Neocon lobbying slime that answers your questions. They love people being battered and beaten and call them Libbies when they want a small government and tariffs. They listen to the stupid media made for sheep like them and they will all get what is coming to them.

Herman Cain is worse because he is black trying so hard to be a stuffed shirt Republican that rules the masses. What a coup for a black man. What a freakin Nazi


in answer to your question.. because he believed if you can control the money through a central bank you can take control of the people.. and Thomas Jefferson firmly believed that the power belonged to the people...

btw BOTH sides are trying to give the federal government full control over banking not just one side or the other!

Steve G

Jefferson was wrong, obviously. He favored an agrarian economy over an industrial economy, and banks were symbols of industrialism. He also ranted about the evils of borrowing while he continued to mount personal debt. Jefferson had a lot of great ideas, but he also had some poor ideas, and he was a hypocrite on debt just as he was a hypocrite on slavery.

The Original Liberal

Put your tin foil hat back on, soldier.