What do you know about BANKS..? or What is a BANK?

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Not river banks etc..I mean The Financial Institution

Banks in Friendship, IN

Answer (7):

Blues Man

Your asking a broad question. Some R better than others. Interest rates vary. A Bank is a place to put your money & hopefully you get some interest. Ill post what the dictionary says, you will lol

Main Entry: 4bank
Function: verb
intransitive verb
1 : to manage a bank
2 : to deposit money or have an account in a bank
transitive verb : to deposit or store in a bank
- bank on : to depend or rely on <can always bank on her friendship> Hoe this helped you youe question was vage.


A bank [bæŋk] is a business that provides banking services for profit. Traditional banking services include receiving deposits of money, lending money and processing transactions. Some banks (called Banks of Issue) issue banknotes as legal tender. Many banks offer ancillary financial services to make additional profit; for example: selling insurance products, investment products or stock broking.

Currently in most jurisdictions the business of banking is regulated and banks require permission to trade. Authorisation to trade is granted by bank regulatory authorities and provide rights to conduct the most fundamental banking services such as accepting deposits and making loans. There are also financial institutions that provide banking services without meeting the legal definition of a bank (see banking institutions).

Banks have a long history, and have influenced economies and politics for centuries.

Traditionally, a bank generates profits from transaction fees on financial services and from the interest it charges for lending. In recent history, with historically low interest rates limiting banks' ability to earn money by lending deposited funds, much of a bank's income is provided by overdraft fees and riskier investments.

James curry

Hey man whazz up? Go to wikipedia.com and ull find all ya need to know about banks, and basically a bank is a government organized structure that deals with every form of money depositing and input


Tyra Banks?


I think washington mutual and bank of america are pretty good banks.


it is a place
that loves to take your
hates you spending
your money
hates lending you
loves sending you
letters when you are
loves charging you
£25.oop for the privelage
of them sending you a letter
when you are overdrawn
has a few mondays off each
year named after it.(uk)


Lots. Why?