Could you be top talent at a bank?

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What the hell do these people mean, when they talk about "top talent?"


They'd like you to think they somehow deserve all that money, and that if you don't pay certain people insane amounts of cash, we're all going to go to hell in a hand basket.

Well guess what? We are going to hell in a hand basket and they have been payed the top bucks. Guess they weren't gods after all.

So where do they plan on going anyway. I'm sure tons of companies are just fighting over who can pay out the most money for a few individuals. Who wouldn't jump at the occasion?

I was just about to take out the box of kleenex reading that. What? They expect you to live within reasonable means AND do your job? Sad, sad, what these people must go through. Of course the media is a much better place to be...

Hnst abe

We could all be considered top talent, because if the banks were to fail we would be doing as well as their top talent bozos, but without the bonuses. In our case we would be saving these banks money, therefore we would be more valuable to them.

Stephanie is awesome!!

Nope I could never be that. I am not a ruthless enough person, plus I would never live to work like they have to in order to get the bonuses they do. I would rather work to live and just be a happy self satisfied person.

Harald Hardraada

If I was, I sure wouldn't put any money in it.
On second thought, with the status of banking industry as it is, maybe I'd fit right in.


top talent = the most ruthless and profit oriented minds known to man

Wiser than Sotomayor II

"Top talent" probably means a high roller, richer-than-you strategist that knows how to manipulate the system to make more money.


Do you mean take the reins and drive a company into the ground?

Yeah...I think I could handle that.

Shove the Change

If you have to ask..... well, I would recommend you not apply for the job.


it seems it does not take very much talent