Banks in Washington, IN

Answer (3):


This bail out is designed to protect the profits of the very wealthy. The effect of this is that you and your children will be taxed to pay for it and it is not $700 billion that is a down payment like all government estimates this will increase 50-500% before it is done. They are considering a bail out for mortgages which will lead to a bailout of car loans, credit cards, money markets and all maner of poor business decisions, etc. Don't forget that we have already paid to bail out Bear Sterns (est.$10 bil), AIG ($85 bil)and Fannie and Freddie ($1 tril). And teh proposed estimate of $700 bil is a down payment a minimum. Let's put this in perspective, a billion seconds ago it was 1959 a trillion seconds ago is 31,000 years ago.
Now what does all of that quick cheap money do to a finacial system when it is given to a bank it multiplies you see banks are on a fractional system that means they can create 7-9 dollars out of thin air for every 1 dollar they have. Hyper inflation is the result of injecting a quick $18 trillion (minimum)into a market. But don't worry it won't hurt the guys at the top inflation works on a time line it doesn't devalue on creation the real hit is at the end of the chain like your pay check. So this gives a great opportunity to those that are first in line to trade these dollars for Euros, gold and silver while they pass this money through to you while it falls in value and all you have valued in dollars, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. fall in value with it.
Keep in mind that the wealthiest 1% have increased their wealth from 37% to 57% in just the last 5years that was our wealth before. And that is a 455% increase in income for that same slice while we cut their taxes.


i switched to a credit union

ali b

stash loot under floorboards.