Banks in West Lebanon, IN

Answer (5):


It does not click, because they want israel to bomb the west bank, propaganda value and collateral damage are priceless to a cause, west bank or gaza, or even southern lebanon.


I am sure it is only a matter of time before they get provoked again though.I Simply do not get it; the Israelis have the most powerful military in the region. If I lived in the Middle East they would be the last people in the world I would want to make angry, but I guess not everyone has an instinct for self preservation.


the hezbollah terrorists rule gaza and not the West Bank.


Actually last weekend 200 rockets were fired into Jerusalem. How is that not being attacked exactly?


Personally I really don't care what they do over there.
Just as long as they keep it there.

Bring the troops home.
And make the countries they are in, pay the bill.