Is Israels policy in the West bank simliar to the Nazis policy of "Lebensraum"?

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I know some pro-Israeli supporters blinded by their enthuastic support of all that Zionism touches is gold will no doubt try to link any criticism of Israel into anti- Semetism. Something that is abhorrent in itself. Anti-semetism is something that i detest or infact any type of hate whether its towards J-ews or...

Banks in West Lebanon, IN

Answer (10):


The difference is obvious to anyone without their political blinders on. The Germans took land neither they nor their ancestors ever owned, and exterminated the inhabitants (at least the Jewish ones). Jews (ancestors of today's Israelis) had settled all of present day Israel, Jordan, the Sinai, and parts of what is now Lebanon and Syria in ancient times. Although the Israelis took the west bank as a result of war, unlike the Nazis, it was not a war they started. If the damn Arabs had minded their own business (ie not attacked Israel) they'd still control that land. If you kick a dog and he bites you, don't come bitchin' to me, you know? But the greatest difference between Nazi occupation and the Israeli variety is that the Israelis let their enemies continue living there. They've controlled the west bank since the 1973 Yom Kippur War and there are still Arabs living there. Why haven't they killed them all by now if they're so much like the Nazis? As for letting the Palestinians have their own state, that would be fine with me if only they'd use it for something besides a firebase for attacking Israel. Back when Yassir Arafat was still alive he had a chance to make peace with Israel and have his Palestinian state, but he refused because he also wanted Jerusalem to be the capital of that state. That was absolute insanity. Jerusalem is a Jewish city if there ever was one! Ever since King David conquered it over 3,000 years ago, it has had a Jewish majority, even when it was under Arab (or Turkish) rule. BTW, the ancient Jebusites from whom the city derrives its name are long extinct and are not even remote ancestors of today's Arabs. They have no historical claim to the city whatsoever. But Arafat was adamant, and the window of opportunity closed, probably forever because no Palestinian leader today has the gravitas Arafat had. Besides, the leadership is more divided today than its ever been. The militant group Hamas (now there are people you could compare to the Nazis!) control Gaza, having thrown out Arafat's successors in Fatah by force of arms. Abu Abbas, (Arafat's successor) maintains a rump state in the west bank, ironically due to Israeli support. Yet for all that, he still refuses to make peace, for the same reason Arafat did: Jerusalem. As the late Israeli Prime Minister Abba Eban so eloquently put it, "The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." Truer words were never spoken!

Peace Through Blinding Force

Let's look at some ways you are so very, very wrong:

> Israel captured territory across which it was invaded. The Nazis INITIATED their invasion against Czech and Belorussian territory.
> No, Israel did NOT simply attack, invade and occupy the West Bank. Jordan attacked Israel. Israel counter-attacked and retained the land where this fight took place as has been done by EVERY county that ever repelled an attack in all of time.
> No land was taken from "the Palestinians" so how can they "get it BACK?"
> What happened is EXACTLY what YOU say would be justified. A Sovereign nation (Jordan) attacked Israel. In the course of defending itself Israel, like EVERY country in a similar situation in all of time, captured and retained the land over which it had been attacked.

Make up your mind. Can Israel defend itself from an overland attack in EXACTLY the same way all other nations always have or is it "greedy land grabbing" BECAUSE it's Israel we're talking about?

Professional Hater

Be very careful what you say. Germany annexed Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc because they thought they were the rightful owners, and that the inhabitants had to right to life. Israel was created in a similar fashion to the U.S., which is gradual immigration. The British controlled the region at the time, promising land to both arabs and jews, and eventually Israel was created. arabs didnt like the jews so they invaded, lost, invaded again, lost, and now we have the occupation of the west bank.

If the Israelis were better people, they would kick out every arab from the land and take all of it from the Nile to the Euphrates river. G-d willing it comes true.


All you need to do is take a look at Israel on a map of the world and you will see why they are so nervous about their security.

The country is only a tiny slither of land along the coast. An independent, hostile Palestine could invade Israel (which is only a one hour drive wide at its narrowest in the middle) and split the country in two. They would then be easily overrun. End game.

No, I don't support how Israel has tossed 2 million Palestinians into a ghetto. But people do horrible things when they truly believe their very survival is at stake.

That's why the two sides need to negotiate a settlement.



They also have a nationalistic race agenda like the Nazis, the Nazi's wanted a 'pure German state' and the Zionists want a 'purely Jewish state'.

Avraham Stern the Zionist Terrorist even wrote to the Nazi's supporting their policies and wanted to help the Nazi's fight the British if they sent jews to Palestine.

You also have a comparison where they have ghetto's to keep people they don't like, the Nazi's kept the jews in ghettos and the Zionists keep the Palestinians.

Very similar idea's to the National Socialist Party of Germany.

My feelings are the same on anti semitism, I have Jewish friends who feel that Zionism is a disgrace to their religion and feel that a 1 state with both Arabs/Jews and Christians with equal rights should have been the way from the start.


The policy of Lebensraum as it was carried out in and around Germany over time became enormous and deadly. Israeli encroachments on Palestinian land, rights, and human life in the Middle East is horrible also, but it is insidious and slow by comparison, moving in fits and starts. But perhaps they are just in the beginning stages of their program as well. For evidence read the Likud Party Program, and the link I have provided. Defined as it is here, the "Zionist" language closely mirrors anti-Jewish and Territorial laws and attitudes prevalent in Germany under the Nazis.

John C

Yes. They are the same. Israel is treating arabs as second class citizens. It kicked millions of Palestinians out of their homes to live in refugee camps for so many years without any solution in the horizon. Illegal settlements in Arab lands are being built by Israel in spite of US objection. So many massacres have been done by the Israeli against Palestinian civilians inspite of world opinion. The latest one was in Gaza a year ago. More than 1000civiliansn were bombed and killed by Israeli planes. People in gaza are living in a big prison. They escape using tunnels. Even their food comes thru tunnels.


I've said that for years.

You are so right.

*** Too many people here are confusing the author's look at the West Bank with Israel proper. I do not believe he is arguing for getting rid of Israel.

what he's questioning is the invasion, resettlement of Palestinians and settlement of Jews onto the land with the best water in the West Bank.


For Israel to reproach us with the Holocaust when it suites their political agenda, yet conveniently does nothing about the Holocaust in Darfur, makes one speculate that they are in fact a selfish and self serving people....

ramarro smith shadow

My estimate is they are just trying to put as much barrier between them selves and the disease named Islam as they can. Perhaps it is about time America woke up and realized what is happening.