Why doesn't Israel allow & help Jews to visit the Gravesite of Joseph in Shechem, Nablus, West Bank?

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Whenever Jews want instead of only once few months.
Since according to the Oslo Accords Jews are supposed to be allowed to visit Josephs Grave-site whenever they want

Answer (4):


because the zionistic israeli government wants absolutely nothing to do with the religious people who want to go visit those sites. its as simple as that. we know this through all of the fights we've had over the parking lots being opened on shabbos, etc. the list could go on and on but it is pointless, we're fighting a religious war against our own people! sad as it is, i think we're lucky to be able to go to these graves when we can!
and there's no point in even mentioning the oslo accords, they're a big joke, just like you said. we try and try to make "peace" but the israelis are so worried about the world's reaction if they say "NO" to the arabs. they ask to do this, increase their number of police, and weapons, etc- all in violation of the "treaty." and israel of course agrees. its a shame.
oh, and obviously, there are so many more reasons and explanations as to why yosef's brothers sold him- we both know. it is kind of useless putting them up here, though. just thought i should put that out there...

Y.K. Cherson

Two main reasons.
1. The leftist Israeli government, with some rare exception, does not represent the People of Israel and acts against the wish of this People.
2. The leftist Israeli government is too worried over not angering muslims, especially the muslim "superstar" who is currently the president of the United States of America.

Conclusion. Until we elect these bastards who are not interested in nothing else but the personal power and filling their pockets, we may forget about visiting the gravesites of Joseph(as well as of Rachel).


Oslo did say that, as well as some curious statements, like most of Palestine was supposed to be under Palestinian control by now. Palestinian policeman have been killed trying to protect the tomb, which other then the Joshua scripture, has nothing in which to identify the structure as Joseph's tomb, since there is no evidence such a person existed. How do you feel about Palestinians being denied access to Holy sites in Israel?
BTW even if Joseph DID exist HE WAS NOT A JEW!


to answer you. joseph was a good jew. i don't think he approves of zionists. so leave him in peace.