Who was janet jackson talking about on Tyra Banks Show?

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Janet was on the tyra show in 2006 and said she went on a bad date with a pushy guy. He is an actor and is pretty famous.She said he was not black.He is a more recent actor. Any Ideas??? Watch on youtube.

Banks in Jackson, OH

Answer (2):


Oh yeah I saw that!
You can't really narrow it down.
Because there are a bunchh of recent actors.
(that aren't black)
But, someone who would go on a date with Janet...
um. My guess would be... likee..
oi. I don't know.

Ramón {DEUCE}

Yeah, I saw that episode!

Uh...I've been trying to figure that out for myself.......wow.....I'm honestly drawing blanks. Wouldn't surprise me if it happened to be Johnny Depp.