Are the Jackson's banking on Michael's death?

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So far I have heard both Joe Jackson, Jermaine, Latoya, and now Tito getting paid top dollar for interviews, this is so sad, sell out your own family for cash flow. If Michael Knew this he would roll on his grave, oh...that is right he's not buried yet...yikes!!!!

Banks in Jackson, OH

Answer (3):


YES, because they are "Low-lifes".....ESPECIALLY the Dad, Joe!!
They have made a SPECTACLE over Michael's Death!


That's what they've always done - especially Joe. Did you hear that he wants to put Michael's "kids" on tour as the "Jackson Three"?! Michael would be rolling in his grave - if he had one - just due to the fact that his father is having ANY influence at all on those children.


Michael has always been the "cash cow" of the Jackson family. They will all milk this as long as the cow keeps giving.