Which bank has the highest savings account interest rates in Orange County, CA?

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A list of the top 20 would be great. Thanks for your time.

Answer (1):

Recession Guy

If you insist on knowing, this website usually has the best & freshest list of banks & interest rates.

But as my personal comment.

HOW MUCH difference could it be? 1%?
Unless you have $10K or more, you'll be spending 30minute to an hour shopping for the best rate, just so you can get $100 or less a year later.

In fact, you'll likely at most find a .5% difference from highest to lowest.
Which means if you put in $10K, you'll get $50 extra.
I don't understand why people use CD & savings, do they serious not know better ways to save 2 cents per dollar (or $200 per $10,000)?