Owe bank money...and close my acct??

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I lost my job unexpectedly and had CC debts and checkings acct in neg. #s. Anyway I got a new job last mo. and I just paid off all of my fees and minimum and over late dues for my CC. I still owe $ to them, but not RIGHT now...not til a next min. payment is due. Anyway my checkings is in the hole of $336. I have a...

Answer (2):


I used to work for Bank of America, and our policy was that if you were in the negative for 90 days in your checking account, we would close it. If you owed more than $50, we would send the debt to a collection agency AND report you to checksystems, so that no other bank would open an account for you for five years. I believe that the five year term has since been shortened.


First of all... you are definitely in the wrong section of this site.

As for your question though, yes, they will close it because they have no way of knowing if you really are going to pay, or if you're just saying it.

Everyone always says they can pay it in a week...