Is land banking fund a new thing?

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Banks in Farmland, IN

Answer (2):


land banking is an old game, but you will have to ensure the fund provider is reputable and has a track record that has been vetted by a third party, quite a few scams out there now.

Current conditions can mean that most countries will not experience another peak in real estate prices for up to 30 years, which means that the holding costs can be quite dreadful. Farmland is a better option, but it has to be worked to give returns.

google land speculation and depressions, you will get a better idea of the timeframes involved with landbanking in a prolonged recession.

Go with the flow

Land banking is the practice of purchasing raw land with the intent to hold on to it until such a time as it is profitable to sell it on to others for more than was initially paid. Land is popular as an investment as it is a tangible asset as opposed to shares or bonds.

It's been around for centuries.