If a single US Billionaire withdrew all of their money from a bank, and burned it all, how bad would it be?

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This is only an IF question.

I am aware that burning federal bank notes is illegal, but assume this person doesn't care for jail time.


It wouldn't be a big deal at all. Bill Gates, maybe, but a billion dollars isn't that much. The Federal budget is $3 Trillion, the total Dow Jones is worth (roughly) $17 Trillion.


A billion dollars is less than one-ten thousandth of the US GDP, so I wouldn't think it would be noticed. Congress wasted that much of your money over the weekend.


billionaires do not actually have a billion dollars laying around, they have their money invested


It would be GOOD. It would reduce the inflation.


Do you mean the carbon footprint?

They should recycle, I happen to recycle money so please have them contact me ASAP!


very bad