How to find and check my bank account?

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When i was 5 i lived in erie PA my great grand father put $1000.00 in a bank account that i cant touch untill i am 18 I am 15 now and live in Florida. I dont know what bank it is in or how to check it. I dont want the money yet but i would like to see my collected interest from 10 years. Is it even possible to...

Banks in Erie, PA

Answer (2):


Ask your parents about this. Chances are the story of the $1000 savings account that was in your name is just that.... a story.

If such an account exists then the bank is sending quarterly statements on the account to the account holders and has been since you are 5 years old. Ask your parents whether they ever seen a quarterly statement on this account and if they didn't.... then you need to ask your great grandfather. If he is no longer alive talk to the person that was in charge of distributing his assets after his death... chances are again that your account was liquidated to pay off bills grandfather left behind. Because the account had to be in his and your name... it can be used to pay outstanding bills when he dies. He should have put that account in your name only or put one of your parents as the second account holder to keep the money out of his estate. In that case your parents know about the account and will be able to answer your questions.


In _a_ bank account, or in _your_ bank account?

If it's your account, you have to find out the bank that it was deposited in. If it's not your account, your chances are slim to none to ever finding that money.