How can I start a bank?

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I want to open a bank. That way everyone would give me their money, and then I would be rich. Can I do that? Also, I heard that banks are supposed to give interest? How much interest should I give? All the banks I've ever been in were really boring and had nothing interesting in them at all. How are they...

Banks in Kinder, LA

Answer (4):


Your idea is good but you have been very much wrongly informed. Bankers business is to take money from public as deposit to give them interest and subsequently give loans and advances on the money you get from public at the higher interest rate then what you pay on deposits from public. In no business you become rich quickly, for that you have to visit Las Vegas. You need to put lot of hard work and devotion, besides you have to get lots of good peoples who will manage your business. The performance and the credibility is more important in banking business in any other type of business.

Decide firmly what you want to do really, and then pursue and think positively about it you will find ways. I shall give you an example for this kind. More than 50-60 years ago when someone thought to go to moon. It was impossible then even to think. People must have cracked a joke on this person. This was just an idea non existent then . But this man thought positively, pursued the idea. Only then rocket was invented to go to moon.

So in your case the idea is already in existence in plenty and you have lots of resources to know how to run banking business. Remember nothing is impossible. Please pursue your dreams consistently and you will see what is required to do to be a Banker. Wish you all the best in your venture, please remember me if you become very successful banker. Of course if you can, remember me.


Sure, but I'd make a rule " no money back"! People are not going to learn good savings habits unless someone teaches them. I would let them look at their money though, though very thick glass.
Yes, the interest problem is interesting. You have to give them interest but young people today are so fickle and changeable. It's hard to give them interest when they don't know what's good for them.I like the aquarium idea but I think it would be more fun for the kids if they could swim with the fishes. It would be better for some parents if the fishes were sharks and I know those fickle young people would find interest in that! Maybe their money could be like tank decorations. And maybe seeing as it's so interesting, they can pay me extra to watch their money grow and the kids get eaten!

tomato 1

Start your own bank by owning an offshore financial institution, your own finance company which affords you the ability to start a bank that you own and control. Starting a bank is a complex and intricate journey that can take a lot of money and a lot of time. Being your own bank requires investors and levels of expertise to meet the requirements. You can open your own financial institution and be your own bank quickly through an offshore solution.

Baa Baa

You better consult your cousin Jethro Bodine on this one. He will know what to do. Get together and go talk to Mr. Drysdale.