Answer (10):


These people refuse to see that the top 10% pay most of the taxes in this country as of today. How often do you hear that the "rich" don't pay their "fair share". Even Obama uses that one and he is quite aware. They should volunteer to pay more taxes themselves because the IRS allows it.

If you make over 100K you are in the top 10%. How about taking 25% Fed, 7% State (NY) and another 10K in property taxes and see what is left. I am self employed, so I pay the self employment tax (7%). Do the math, Liberals, and stop your Rhetoric. Look at the above answer. There it is.

We live in Socialism now. It's over. I am just angry I worked 60 hours a week for the past 18 years. I am still in the same house, drive an older car, and watch every penny. Then I have to listen to Liberals call me "greedy" because they are voting for more for themselves, all while ignoring the statistics they can find at hundreds of websites.

Rabbi_Da: Clinton deregulated the banks with the Republicans in Congress, and Democrats were the ones blocking reform at Fannie Mae when Republicans pushed for MORE regulations. Too bad the Left refuses to even watch the hearing. Barney Frank. Nice. Pushing for increasing credit to increase home ownership. The Liberals hear that and thing "gee, that sounds nice". Watch him get re-elected.

Edit: I do believe Bush was running a terrible Administration, but why can't people see that Obama is simply doing it a much faster pace?


Honestly, I think that if Liberals believed it, they would care. I think they actually and honestly want everyone to be able to have affordable health care. I think they just don't understand that every single one of us is going to die of a medical cause eventually (trauma, disease, organ failure, all death is from a medical cause) and there is not enough "health care" in the world to keep ONE person alive forever, and that means that the supply of "health care" is limited while demand for it is boundless. That adds up to the inescapable fact that it will be rationed on some basis, whether it's money, occupation, age, or affiliation with a particular political group, and no matter what system is used, someone is going to be denied care whose life would otherwise have been extended. I think Liberals don't understand that at all, and are willing to spend "whatever it takes" to deny it. I also think they are going to be willing to see people denied care, as long as the decision is made by a faceless bureaucrat, regardless of the basis of the decision, as long as the reason isn't "money", at least until it is one of their own family members who is denied.

Now, a better question would be why you think Conservatives care, given their support of an anything-but-conservative Republican Party, as evidence by a totally unintelligible Patriot Act, their support of the War on Drugs, their turning a Surplus into a Deficit, and their recent presidential nominee making JFK look like an arch-conservative.

If Conservatives really are Conservatives, then the only explanation for their continuing support for an obviously Liberalized Republican Party is that they are even more naive than they consider Liberals to be for being Liberals.


So you didn't believe The Idiot was bankrupting the nation when he started throwing $12bn a week at Iraq alone? Or stripping you of your freedom when he launched the PATRIOT Act?

I don't believe Obama to be any great shakes, but you could have elected a fooking chimp and it would have been an improvement on Bush.


Im 14,havent started to work yet and Im in debt because of OBAMA. My kids I didnt even have yet are in debt because of OBAMA. People think healthcare and everything else is FREE. They are WRONG someone has to pay for it and its people that go to work everyday. We studied socialism and communism in school and it sure looks like this great country is heading that way...sad but I hope not true. Alot of people i talked to for a school project are dissapointed in the way Obama is handling this country. They mostly said if they knew then what they know now they would NOT have voted for the "change" message.

Jason 69

All of you people need to wake up, this country is controlled by the rockefellers/rothchild banking cartell and has been for decades now. See federal reserve all it has done is strip our wealth or what we should have truely earned completely away. Alex Jones has been right all along, they keep you dems and repubs fighting with the old parlor trick routine or the old misdirection....wake up!!!! both parties are bought and paid for see....the baliouts!

Rick d

have you taken the time to look up any facts?
before you ask a question for people to answer, take the time to see if your question even makes Sense.
no president in the history of the US of A spent more money for our future generations to pay back then Bush (who is NOT a liberal)
the current spending bill that Obama passed was higher then bush's last one. but it included the Iraqi war as well as the Afghan war. where when bush submitted his spending bill he did NOT include the spending in those wars. so in truth, bush spent more.
as for stripping us of our freedoms, simple look up the patriot act and decide for yourself who stripped us of our basic freedoms.


They don't seem to. They still cling to this "change" crap HAHAHA. With Obama's next year budget, he has already went way past Bush's entire 8 years spending COMBINED!! People like to whine about how expensive the Iraq was was under Bush. I already wish the spending was that LOW.


Of course they don't.

Democrat policies were the primary cause of our current economic problems, and Democrat voters want the policies which caused our problems to be expanded.


Every time the Republicanzis cut taxes for the rich and drive up the national debt and are thrown out of office we hear this same crap. The debt lament is standard from the Party of Do Nothing But Get the Rich Richer. Under Clinton the debt was almost gone. Because of Bush the country is in deep debt and the economy is trashed.


No, no, Rabbi_Dan .. didn't you know?

Everything that went wrong from 2000 until 2009 was Clinton's fault. Everything that is wrong now, is Obama's fault.

If Obama loses in 2012, then everything that happens from 2012 until 2016 will be his fault. Anything that happens from 2016 until 2020 will be his fault, too. Unless a Democrat wins. In which case, it will be his fault.

It's as if the Bush presidency never happened (if only it hadn't..).