Are Occupy Wallstreeters going to just surrender to a mob of corporate banks?

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you're just gonna take this? Give up your first amendment rights? It's only for corporations because the police have a corporate culture l?
And our courts favor the cops

So protesters aren't allowed freedom of assembly? This is okay with you in America???

Answer (6):


Yet another brilliant and Intelligent question brought to you by the person who ask such things as;

"Isn't it true starving poor people on welfare are smarter than Dolphins?"
"Why won't Neocons support Nancy Pelosi?"
"Is it illegal to rob a bank to feed poor people on welfare?
"Why can't USA Govt tax electricity when rich people use it, to fund more welfare for poor folks?"
"Why can't all Americans get free Govt Food Stamps?"
"Why is bestiality so severely criminalized in Canada?"
"Do British for the most part agree the Nazi holocaust wasn't a hoax?"
"Can't we elect more Liberals so we can take America in a more Liberal direction?"
"If America is a republic, why are their Kingdom's in America?"
"In America, why don't I have freedom to receive redistributions of wealth from the rich?"
"Why don't Canadians accept that USA invented Democracy/freedom for all the world?"
"Are Occupy Wallstreeters going to just surrender to a mob of corporate banks?"

Seriously, just ignore this TROLL.
-And yes, I'm trying to get some best answers off this guy

Just occurred to me. Why aren't you at one of the OWS crowds? And if you are, how are you keeping people from stealing your laptop?

No name

Who Cares????? We have more important things to think about Like the Occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave bunch...



Dick Lewiston

Most will surrender when they run out of food and money and mama ain't there to take care of them.


i don't care what they do, just get out of the way, my children can't get to school and i can't get to work...

thanks, it's paid for...we also own a home down the jersey shore, as we have worked a lot and saved a lot...

Jim Rooks

it's not the "corporate banks" they are being arrested by, it's the LAPD, the NYPD et all


Are you ready for Boycott..... to show supporter for OWS movement?