Do chase bank cards work while in Norway?

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do they hit you with fees/etc?

Banks in Norway, ME

Answer (2):


... what cainvest said. As a banker, I can not overstate the importance of giving your bank a foreign travel advisory notice. Since 9/11 and the Patriot Act, banks have had to comply with more and more regulation related to money moving in and out of the US. If you don't let them know you are travelling, it may trigger an automatic fraud alert and you'd be stuck without access.
Check with Chase on fees. Usually there is a nominal fee for currency conversion rate, but that is often included in the quoted exchage rate.


Yes they will work and yes you will be charged a fee for FX conversions done using an ATM machine.

It is VERY important that you notify Chase that you will be traveling internationally so that the ATM transactions won't be denied.