Can i change copper coins in any bank or post office ?

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do i need an account or can i go anywhere to change it?
I have £4 in 2p's & £3 in 1p's and just want to do a straight swap.

thanks in advance.

Answer (3):


A lot of banks and Post Offices are under pressure not to provide this service to customers. They will normally limit the amount of coins you can pay in in any one go. This is usually due to the fact that they charge for the service to businesses, so are reluctant to provide it for free. If may be worth trying to do it in a small / quiet Post Office

As the previous poster said, a local shop may be glad of the change. If all else fails you can use a Coin Star machine at your local supermarket


Sure you can. A bank will want them in their plastic bags though, and I think the amount is £2 for 2ps, and £1 for 1ps.

Your local shop will probably be glad of the change though!

