Why we need guns in banks but not schools?

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I've thought about this question since the NRA proposed an armed guard in every school. They argued that we give politicians and banks armed guards because we value the safety of politicians and banks; therefore, if we value children, we should place armed guards at schools. I think this is the problem --...

Answer (10):


I think a pretty simple solution to that would be to have one guard in schools who has access to a gun that is LOCKED UP. And in the event of a shooting, action would be taken much quicker by getting that gun that is accessible to that person inside the building, rather than waiting for the police to arrive. I read once that the average police response time for an emergency call is something like 23 minutes. Not a perfect solution, but a thought.

@vrzz - If you are going to acknowledge that part of the story, why don't you also acknowledge the shooting that happened in the restaurant and then continued into the movie theater in San Antonio shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting, where an off-duty deputy killed the shooter before he could kill anyone else (this one wasn't in the national news.. wonder why?) Why don't you acknowledge the fact that the Clackamas shooting ended abruptly when a young concealed carry holder pulled a gun on the shooter? Or maybe you could talk about the man who was about to shoot up a child's sleepover when the armed homeowner stopped him? These are all just in the past few weeks. You can't just pick the one incident that, at its surface (but really not at all when you actually look into it), supports your argument.

PS I have never heard anyone suggest that teachers should be mandated to carry a weapon. We're small government folk over here, fighting for liberty. Not government control. That's your thing.

John de Witt

No, that isn't why the NRA is wrong.
In fact, normal citizens with firearms have an extraordinarily good safety record. On the other hand, police and armed guards with their "professional training" have a much less laudable safety record. Go figure!
The NRA, and just about everybody else, is wrong because that isn't where the problem lies. We need a lot more mental health care availability, and even that is a porous step, since psychologists and psychiatrists are very poor at determining who will and won't go out and harm somebody. But at least it would give a better outlet for some of those on the verge of snapping.


The logic behind this is flawed. Since we almost never hear about guns accidentally going off in banks or other places where guns may be prevalent the safety issue in the schools based on this is non-existent. If those things did happen from time to time then the argument could be made but as it is it can't be.

Joliet Jake

Actually firearms in schools was brought up long ago and not by the NRA. Even a school district in CA did it back in 2001.

Hey vrzz. Colombines "guard" was off somewhere having lunch when the shooting occured. Not alot of help was he?

El Tecolote

The abject cluelessness about guns harbored by the average adult city slicker/flatlander in this country makes me sick. Your views about guns presenting danger wherever they are around has got to come from some level of ignorance I will never understand. I grew up in a houseful of guns, as did my parents, as did their parents. Everyone I know, basically, grew up in a houseful of guns. None of us ever got shot or shot ourselves or shot each other. People who did not grow up around guns, however, are just convinced they're the most evil invention ever dreamed up. Which one is nuttier?

A little bit of training goes a long way with gun safety, and it's that "fish in a barrel" mentality we have created with this gun-free zone bullshit that's far more dangerous than having trained, sane people around with guns.


In my opinion it makes perfect sense For some of the reasons You stated. Nothing in my opinion takes precedence over the children. There should always be a level of trust where the children are concerned. Which really is a hindrance. That seems to be when they're least safe. Maybe im talking to fast. I don't believe more guns is the answer.

Brian B

There are known and definite targets. Such as large stores of any valuable item, weaponry or controlled substance. People high in the public spot light are also known targets.

Civilians are unknown targets.

You prepare for what you know is coming, not for what you could never know was coming. Such is a random act of violence.


Because money doesn't accidentally get a hold of a fire arm and kill themselves or someone else by accident.

While on the otherhand, this is an occurrence that happens every day in the homes of gun owners across this nation. Over 500 times a year a child shoots themselves or someone else, with a fire arm they get their hands on from some "responsible" gun owner who left it lying around at home, or didn't think the kids knew where it was. Now the nuts want to expand this, and bring this to our schools.

The people who want to arm our schools, are sickening with their obviously stupid comparisons... all in the name of protecting their need to feel like men, and protecting their little gun fetish.

Hope that helps.

Now or Never

bank robberies (or attempted bank robbies) happen every day at banks all over the country. they are so common they don't get reported to the media. banks and anywhere with a cash register is a common target for robberies. many desperate people attempt robbery.

school shootings are very rare. though very tragic. there are no real motives for these random acts of violence.

we do NOT need guns in schools.


Not sure what you did, but it didn't rise to the level of thinking.

The point the NRA was making was that in almost every case of mass murder in a gun-free zone, the killing spree ended when armed response appeared. Whether they were shot, surrendered or committed suicide, the killings were ended by armed response.

I guess with liberals, guns are always a danger, since they are such irresponsible people.

Perhaps you could also research just how many guards in schools and banks have accidentally shot people or went crazy? Or do facts just interfere with your "logic."