Why should someone bank on you?

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Aquarian Exchange time bank as featured on TV3, is licensed to operate within the Republic of Ireland and all parts of the United Kingdom.‘Barter’ = to trade goods or services without the exchange of money, but this usually involves a direct one-to-one exchange or swap. Time Bank = this is a term to describe a...

Banks in Westport, IN

Answer (1):


Why should someone bank on me? Because I am dependable, have enough life experience to have answers to some of the problems, and like Win-Win solutions if they can be found.

What you describe is like the Meitheal we had in Westport about 20 years ago. It was a LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) which worked very well while we were all skint, but faded away when prosperity arrived and people were too busy making and spending money.

In times like these, it would surely be a godsend to another generation of people. I wish you well with it.