Why is the West Bank so peaceful and the Palestinians in Gaza are violent?

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I just noticed In the West bank their is total harmony between the Pals and Israeli its all like kumbia my lord they dont fire rockets, they dont do nothing. Why are the Palestinains in Gaza so prone to violence? i mean they dont even have food and are sanctioned to the hilt yet they keep tossing pathetic...

Answer (10):


The concentrations of the most violent Palestinians was always in Gaza.

During the elections process 2006 it was the Gazans who overwhelmingly voted in Hamas, who's goal is to "throw Israel into the sea." This isn't to say that there weren't Palestinians in West Bank region that didn't vote for Hamas, they did, just not in very high concentrations like the Gazans did. The highest Gaza concentration was Rafah Precinct, who overwhelming voted in Hamas, by 84%.

The closer the Palestinians got to "live side by side" with Israelis, the more peaceable and least likely they were to vote for Hamas or the "armed resistance" method of resolution of the conflict.

The most peaceable Palestinians that I saw, if i remember correctly, were in East Jerusalem precinct. Peaceable means not supporting any candidate that was for "armed resistance" or violence as a method of resolving the conflict. They didn't vote for a terrorist organization, Hamas, who's only method to resolving the conflict is violence. The Gazans overwhelmingly did.


Because prosperity has come to the West Bank. The government convinced some of the corrupt Palestinian billionaires to invest in construction. It's booming over there. That's why the people are quiet.

I've been saying that the conflict is all about economics and it has now been proved that I'm correct. Thank you. All the Gazans need is hope for the future and that their children will be educated and they'll be quiet too.

Mikul Jaxon

Because you watch Fox news instead of Press TV, or Russia TV


Fatah is more secular Hamas and does not seem so hell bent on the destruction of Israel. If Fatah ruled Gaza too, there would be far less violence.


So why then did Israel withdraw from Gaza and not West Bank?


i send food there and money. i have to. it's my investment in the future of my grandchildren to get rid of the jews. help us, please help us


Are you joking? The West Bank illegal Arabs are terrorize Israelis. They threaten them with rockets, homicide bombers, and other forms of terrorism. Sure the Gaza Arabs are the worst. But these West Bank illegal Arabs arent much better either.

Fenrir| •FT\√°

People in the West Bank have a higher quality. People of Gaza are basically in an open air prison. No way in, no way out. They have dealt with a lot of war and death so they look to someone like Hamas to keep them safe and provide.


If the West Bank that peacefull ...Then israel military forces should withdraw from the West Bank ...


"I just noticed In the West bank their is total harmony between the Pals and Israeli"

Wrong: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/bomb-tel-aviv-west-bank-protesters-urge-hamas-130802994.html