Why is the UK government sending aid abroad when people here are having to resort to food banks?

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I agree some people using these food banks need to spend their money and benefits wisely and not waste it on cigs, booze and lottery tickets there are some genuine people who need to resort to them. There are also thousands of homeless people in this country who are not getting aid via the tax payers. Then we have...

Answer (2):


Your point is sound, logical and you would think would be the basis upon how we spend our tax payers money, however, successive governments have frittered money away on a range of things that do nothing to help UK citizens get by.

In regard to our pensioners heating and eating, which is absolutely correct, you may or may not be aware as to the level of this issue. We are sending aid to help 10,000 poor souls on a Mountain, whilst at home, on average, 30,000 pensioners die needlessly due to lack of food/heat every single year, this number grows in exceptionally cold winters, that's 3 times the number that we are launching our assets to help abroad.

1.5 Million requiring food banks. Just so you know, nobody can use a food bank until they have been assessed as needing them? Some will be conning the system, but a very small amount.

But it is much worse. the cost of helping the Assyrian people is but a fraction of what we send around the world every single year.
We give away just over £14 BILLION per year!! EVERY YEAR and have been doing so for a very long time.
The only Country that we are giving aid to at the moment, which we will stop giving next year is India, we have been giving them £280 Million per year for a very long time.

Our glorious political leaders over the past 2 Governments have racked up the UK debt to a staggering £1.27 TRILLION, the interest on this alone is just over £1 BILLION per WEEK!!.

Our current political elite can, have and will continue to waste money across the world, of course we should seek to help those in peril, but surely we could stop sending all the regular donations around the world, perhaps keep £5 Billion of it to help in emergencies around world, and put the rest toward sorting out the issues that our people are suffering. £9 Billion would go a long way to resolving many of the issues that are faced in the UK.

All of this is proof positive that our traditional political parties have not a single clue as to what is going on in the UK outside the bubble of Westminster, the real world is a place that they visit every now and then, usually around election time, but they really have no clue or interest in what they see.

For those that would slam the Labour party for their fiscal incompetence, (which by the way they are absolutely guilty of, and would repeat if we were dumb enough to re elect).

You need to realise that the Con/Lib Dem pact, have borrowed more in the last 4 years than Labour did in 2 terms in office? Essentially they are all the same, gifting billions around the world whilst those at home who spend entire lifetimes paying into the pot are pushed aside for the sake of our so called place on the world stage.

However, and this is the kicker, everyone in the UK who is old enough to vote, and who has any interest in Politics whatsoever, no matter who they vote for currently, would have to accept that none of the current Westminster occupants will ever change this situation.

There is in fact only one party that has stated categorically that the current levels of overseas aid will be stopped, and that party is UKIP.

This is the same party that wants to apply border controls for all people trying to come into the UK, and not just those from outside the EU, Thus reducing the numbers of low skilled people flooding the job market willing to work for less than minimum wage.
The same party that by getting us out of the EU, would immediately save the UK £55 MILLION per DAY, in membership fee's.
The same party that would then see the UK able to do trade deals with anyone around the world, just like Australia, Canada, the USA, etc do, and they seem to be doing OK.

UKIP will publish their manifesto around September I believe, I would urge anyone who wants to stop the madness that has been highlighted in this question to read it.

There has been much negativity published and or encouraged by the current Westminster elite where UKIP are concerned, some of it has been justified but by and large it has not. UKIP had a few idiots say a few daft or blatantly offensive things on social media in the run up to the local end EU elections, all of which were liberally spread around the media, at the very same time, 16 candidates from the other parties were arrested, convicted or jailed for offences including racially aggravated assault, not too much coverage from our "Balanced media there".

It would take a massive leap of faith for many to vote UKIP, I understand that, I was a Tory supporter for a long time, and just yearned for the day when common sense would be invoked, but it has never happened and I am now resigned to the fact that it never will.

Cameron wants to stay in the EU, make no bones about it. He knows that winning a majority next year is near impossible, therefore he knows that his referendum promise will never have to be invoked.

If you want the Britain that I want, then there is no choice but UKIP, not any of the more extreme Nationalist parties, because their agenda is populist but the backdrop is not.
Not the Liberals because they are all but certain to take a hammering next May, Not Labour because you cannot forget the mess they left us in after their last terms in office, and for god sake, not the Conservatives.

The only changes you have seen from any of these parties is in direct response to UKIP campaigns that they know are winning people over, they are trying to copy a lot of it, but, once they get the votes, they will ditch them.

So for me it can only be UKIP, warts and all, they are the only party that will make the changes needed to get this Nation back on it's feet. To look after our own, and to be able to help others without damaging the UK further.


I totally agree with what you are saying. It's time we stopped all this foreign aid and concentrated on the people in the UK. Why should we keep bailing out these people when they get themselves into a mess?.