Why is it OK for the banks to loot us but when poor people do it in London ......?

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I mean, the banks have looted us for billions. RBS admitted this year that it paid its bonuses out of taxpayers money. And yet we still leave our money with them ( I am as guilty as anyone in this ). Yet when people take to the streets and commit small acts of looting and disorder we are down on them like a ton of...

Banks in Freedom, OK

Answer (8):


Double standards at work. As you point out, when they loot us (£25 for a letter to warn us of an overdraft; £30 for a bounced cheque) and create mayhem by their casino activities, they walk away into the sunset and their yachts. When lawless Libyans and Syrians loot and kill police and soldiers and burn down buildings, we call them freedom fighters. When our disenchanted and oppressed poor take to the streets, they are branded looters. We say that there is NO excuse for violence at all (Lammy), but it's OK in Syria and Libya! No wonder no one believes us.


Your logic is seriously flawed. It could be said that what Banks have done is 'criminal', but in fact it isn't and for the most part nobody holds a gun to the head of people who use Banks. On the other hand, looting, as went on this past weekend, IS unlawful. And the violence involved totally unacceptable.

Nobody has the right to behave as these kids did this past weekend - NOBODY.


who says all the looters are poor
some turned up in nice big WORK vans to take their loot away in
, they have had a poor upbringing where nobody taught them right from wrong

the only way I would loot is if it was for food and water if my family needed it


Maybe if they looted the banks, but they did not. Instead they broke into and looted small local businesses that are already finding it tough to keep going. So, the rioters are making things worse for ordinary people, not the banks.

Shin Nohara

When looters start employing thousands of people and oversee billions of dollars of people's money... I might care.


banks do not loot people.
rioters loot.


When the wealthy do it it's O.K.

Jack H

Excellent, never looked at it that way, you know, you are 110% right.. ROFLOL