Why is Detroit crying when they banked on auto industry?

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Michael Moore did a movie in 80s about outsourcing in Detroit area. Ross Perot warned Detroit in 1992 about generation outsource creating a "giant sucking sound coming from the economy". People thought Perot was nuts because at the time credit for any and all was covering up outsourcing. Now we ran out of...

Answer (5):


Because Kwame Kilpatrick (sp), the former mayor was totally corrupt, and to validate my statement, he was sentenced Thursday to 28 years in prison for corruption. The prior leaders were very similar. The city government has been filled with people who skim off the top for their own personal gains for many years. Combine that with greedy unions both in the private sector as well as the municipal unions, that continually take from the community more than they give back...and the result is a shell of a city with no way to rebuild. Detroit has been a socioeconomic experiment in liberalism and it's failed miserably.

Sadly, those experiments failed and still our federal government follows the same basic principles of liberalism that doomed Detroit. Detroit is currently a picture of what the entirety of America will look like in the next 10-20 years under the principles currently being followed.

Alvin Colmes

Hate to break the bubble but the economy is STILL FAKE....LOL! Detroit had a series of bad mayors, corruption and misfortunes..aside from the auto industry...LOL!

Warren T

Detroit's problems began when Japan figured out how to build a better automobile


This is the reason for such a large military, for when our credit runs out.


We aren't we are pointing out that is when Republicans first started betraying America!

They sold out the auto industry to destroy union political power!