Why hasn't Obama sent the military to crack down on crooked banks?

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They destroyed our economy with impunity. Why is Obama bowing down to them?

Banks in Downing, MO

Answer (8):

Armchair Goddess #1

The banksters that allowed their GOP-deregulated GREED bankrupt their institutions and nearly bankrupt this nation have been and are still being investigated by more than one entity, to include the Justice Department. In addition, the Democrats passed legislation way back in 2009 (before the bank-colluding right-wing Republicans had a chance to block passage) that told these greed-driven banksters who had taken the Bush/Cheney/GOP bailouts in 2007 and 2008 that they could not make more than a "mere" $500,000 a year and could have no more self-awarded bonuses---only board-approved preferred shares of stock would be allowed---until they had PAID US BACK WITH INTEREST (a bill sponsored by my own state's former Treasurer, now Senator, Claire McCaskill, D-MO). Interestingly enough, this LIMIT imposed upon their salaries "inspired" 14 of the biggest 419 Bush-bailed-out welfare banks' CEOs to pay us a whopping $181 BILLION by December 2009---all dollars that the Democrats used to PAY DOWN OUR DEFICIT by 8% in the first months of 2010 (see Bloomberg News and Reuters reports, plus MSNBC's "The Ed Show" and "Countdown" from that time period).

President Obama has NOT "bowed down" to the wrongdoer banksters! Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact---see whitehouse.gov and recovery.gov for details or go to ReadTheBill.org for a copy of the Dodd-Frank banking reform bill (not one Republican supposed these banking reforms and even tried to block having any oversight or consumer protections put back into place).


It wasn't the banks. It was the government regulation of the banks that forced them to make loans to idiots with bad or no credit in order to be politically correct.

See, not enough minorities were able to buy houses because they grew up in a culture that didn't teach them how to live on a budget or save money. They cash their checks and spend every dime. They are broke two days after payday. They have no business owning a house because it is a HUGE responsibility.

But, Uncle Sam comes in and tells the banks that, if they want to continue to do business, they WILL give loans to these losers so that the politicians can buy minority votes with the bank's money. The banks had to choose - risk the bad loans or go out of business completely.

Then, when it all comes crashing down as the banks knew it would, the politicians blame the banks for being greedy. The media doesn't want to upset the politically correct world so, instead of being reporters and getting facts, they become parrots and just repeat whatever the politicians tell them to say about the situation.

Get it?

BTW - Jesus was far from a liberal. He believed in PRIVATE charity and allowing people to make their own choices. He did not go out and tax everyone to support his ideals. He tried to convince people to do it on their own. He never used force to make people behave his way. You've got it 100% wrong.



That is NOT the military's job. that belongs squarely with the DOJ/Holder.

Over the course of Obama's three plus years in office, his tone toward Wall Street has shifted dramatically from the days of the campaign trail. He has routinely spoken out against the Big Banks and their role in what led to the worst financial crisis since 1929. He has chided the "fat cats" on Wall Street, much to their chagrin, for excessive compensation packages during a time when real wages have fallen to levels not seen since the 1970s.

Despite his populist posturing, the president has failed to pin a single top finance exec on criminal charges since the economic collapse. Are the banks “too big” to JAIL—or is the Obama administration FAILING to do their job? We are right now in the wake of the large financial crisis....and the DOJ/Holder has very much laid off Wall Street as it relates to anything related to the 2008 financial crisis. Financial-fraud prosecutions are at 20-year lows and down 39% since the Enron and Worldcom scandals of 2003. That's a stark contrast to the aftermath of the S&L crisis where thousands of prosecutions were brought with a conviction rate of 90 percent.

So why doesn’t Obama/Holder go after those who they say “caused this mess”?
Answer: because Obama is bought and paid for by the very SAME people he tries to condemn with his populist rhetoric in order to get elected…too bad people are dumb enough to fall for his false rhetoric.


The military are not allowed to take up arms against US citizens.


The military is bogged down finishing Bush's wars.

Zestfully Clean

Because that's not the military's job.


Because that's against the law.


*shouts from atop a roof