Why do Republicans denounce BIG government but push for BIG Banks?

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I am not promoting big government, but I'm just asking. By big banks, I mean their push for deregulation on the heels of the Wall Street debacle of the last Republican presidential administration, ending in 2008 with our economy on the verge of collapse. Seems they're ok with banks that are "too big to...

Banks in Gore, OK

Answer (8):

Joe Heaton

Well - they CLAIM to denounce BIG Government.

But in fact - Reagan and Bush 2 were BOTH Big Government Republicans.

With Bush being a clear winner - - - leaving office with a Federal Government that was fully THIRTY PERCENT LARGER than what he was left by Clinton and Gore.



I thought the banks were in trouble from 'bad' loans in the housing market.

Clinton pushed for having welfare checks count as income when applying for a mortgage. Ya know, - the great American of everyone owning their own house, whether they could afford it or not.

And of course Barney Frank didn't help either with pushing Fannie and Freddie in a bad direction.


For the same reason Romney will become president: money. There's no money in helping poor people. There's big money in legally protecting banks from scrutiny while they embezzle billions from tax-payers and stupid investors.

Javier Jose Juan Gonzales

It's easier to steal money from the banks...

CR Tian

I hate being ruled by anyone, but I'd much rather have to answer to a bank than to answer to DC.

Richie Franklin

banks,government,and corporations are all in bed together.
Thats why partisan hacks are equally retarded

No name


Ummmmmm Republicans????? Really now...


So your problem is just about BIG?