Why do Governments "Borrow" money from Banks at interest to pay for Wars?

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The UK Independent of 9 Nov 2009, carried an article entitled Remembrance: 'At least we knew what we were fighting for in 1944', and invited comment. 'At least we knew what we were fighting for in 1944'. Did we really know?? Only a very few knew what was being fought for and why. It was not...

Answer (4):

Master of the Universe

Our government created income tax temporarily to help cover the money they borrowed for the war. I'm still waiting to hear from them that they have the loan paid off and we no longer have to pay income tax.


Our economy is sustained by the military industrial complex. We therefore need to keep pumping money into the war machine to keep our country afloat. It is well known that the U.S. outspends all of its proposed enemies on defense x10. What's less known is that defense contractors are among the largest employers in the U.S.. Until we transition away from a military economy, we will continue to beg, borrow and steal to keep filling the pockets of laborers, executives and shareholders.

Homeless in Phoenix

Wow...go take a course in History! I guess when the NAZI's are continually bombing your cities you should just wait until you have the money saved up before you defend yourself. LOL!


~ Just any way they can.