Why can't Israel deport all the West Bank Palestinians to Mecca and compensate them $$$ the same way?

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(Mecca is the Muslims holiest city) The Arab countries compensated all the Jews who left the Arab countries they lived in to move to Israel in 1948. Any Jew who left an Arab country to move to Israel in 1948 had to leave all their money and belongings behind in the Arab country in order to be allowed to leave and...

Answer (10):


Because Saudi Arabia won't take them. No Arab country will.

Queen of Sheba

America would be outraged .
Didn't you see in the news about a month ago how Hilary Clinton claimed Israel insulted America because they were building homes for their citizens? i'm afraid she must think Israel shouldn't behave as a sovereign country that fills the need for homes for Arabs and Jews alike.
Israel loves America but they don't want America to be their dictator.
And no Arab country will take the Palestinians which they expelled for the purpose of causing Israel trouble in the hopes the only democracy in their midst should fail.
They want the world under an Islamic theocracy, not a democracy.


The Arab countries did NOT compensate the Jews for the property, money in the bank and possessions they STOLE from them when over 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries in 1948. As for the Palestinians, the Arab countries don't want them - with good reason since they tried to forcefully overthrow the Jordanian government in the early 1970's! Overall the Arabs tend to love Palestines as political pawns and as poor minorities in their own countries (there are (Palestinian populations are native to the entire region with native Palestinan groups in virtually every Arab country as poor labourers)


The reason your idea won't work is because NO Arab nation will accept any Palestinian. You are right, they certainly should accept some responsibility for their brothers, but they continue to insist that the Jews be the Palestinians' eternal caretakers.


if neighbour Arab countries wont take do you really think of all the places Mecca will?


No Arab country wants Palestinian Terrorists to live in their country

Cher and Cher alike

By swindling & stealing, AZ there means, buying with money for deeds. ...or building them & Arabs moving in for jobs created by Jews after Jews started developing the area.

"stolen" means the Arab or Muslim dream of dominating the Middle east & no minority having self-rule was "stolen."

No Muslim country will accept the Palestinians except Jordan. And Jordan threatened to walk out of peace negotiations if Israel insisted they take the West Bank. So, it would help greatly if the Arab countries like Saudia Arabia would stop using the Palestinians as pawns to keep riled up at Israel in their war to dominate the region.

PAs under Palestinian authority do poll fairly high rates of being willing to money, with & without money to another country if they'd be taken. PAs in Israel poll as not wanting to leave at a rate of some 90% -- even if it's just redrawing country lines so they're under the Palestinian Authority instead of Israeli g'vt.

The majority of Israelis are Middle Eastern - kicked out of Arab countries. Please try some truth in this -- it's the only way to peace.


Because israelites are people from europe and are not actually middle easterners. They fled illegally to the arab countries (illegal imigrants if you will) in hope of taking over but were cast out because of that reason.


1) Palestinians belong in Palestine. Most Israelis are European so let's deport them back instead.
2) Not all Palestinians are Muslims.


The palestinians were forced out because of the mandate.

The Izzies should be go back to where they came from for swindling and stealing palestinian land in the first place.