Why arn't these city bankers in the dock or in jail for ruining banks?

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Nick Leeson was arrested and spent time in prison for bringing down the Queens bank, Bearings bank these bankers of today have not only brought down banks (into semi public ownership) but whole economies so how and why are they allowed to get away with this?

Banks in White City, OR

Answer (10):


white collar crime pays. police can recognize a bank robber with a gun and a mask. they can't recognize a robber with a suit and a pen.


Because they are major contributors to the Democratic Party, and their organizamtions (like Countrywide) give ultra-low interest loans to Senators like Chris Dodd (D-CT) who runs the Banking subcommittee.

Why do you think the Democrat Attorney General stated that there would be no witch hunts on this topic???


Because they are the POWER elite!!!!!

If I was involved in a crime, the government will always go back if they had information. I was disappointed that Obama keeps saying: " lets look forward"

What does that mean? Lets just forget the possible crimes of bush??


Justice will not get done - these criminals hide behind PLC's.

They say they are good enough to earn £2m+ and they will wriggle out of their responsibility.

If they did anything else they would be in court.


Because merely being stupid, or bad at your job, isn't illegal. If it were then where would the Labour Party get candidates for MP?


Chuck G

Why are irresponsible mortgage holders in jail for buying houses they couldn't afford?

Kit Fang

Because they haven't actually done anything against the law.

Gary H

what they did wasn't illegal but watch this space Brown will rush through new legislation

Patricia C

Because they didn't break any laws. Unfortunately there were none in place prohibiting what they did.


Coz they're rich