Why are we allowing "Banks" to "Downgrade" nations value within markets?

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When Standard and Poor's downgraded the US's credit rating the whole world watched, now Spain has lost its standing, France as well... Are we seeing the world being taken over by the Banks? Will we allow arbitrary and artificial ratings created by the least productive members of our Global Communities (when...

Banks in Scott, LA

Answer (10):


NWO stated One World bank. They have succeeded.

The markets are not fair when Government insiders trade and sell inside info to control the markets and countries.

It was bad USA paper that crashed the majority of the markets.

Who hosted the Fund Raiser for Scott Walker? The old head of AIG Insurance scam that cost us millions.

Dirty Money and NWO world leaders = Tea Party.

We must take the world back. Separate Business from the Gov of our Republic.

Regulate the criminal Market activity.

And never allow the Tea Party to Privatize Gov Funds into their controlled corrupt market.

This is the fight of the century and people are waking up.

This Primary means nothing it is puppets for that exact dirty money. International Money in our elections? buying power?

Not America


These ratings are just analysts' opinions. Really the best measure of a country's creditworthiness is how its bonds and currency fare in the market. Usually the ratings agencies are just stating what's already obvious to anyone knowledgeable in the appropriate market.

How would you stop them from changing a rating, or having a rating, anyway? This is a matter of free speech and the exchange of information. It's difficult to see why someone warning us about "Thought Police" would be against something that is essentially speech.

I can see an argument that the S&P is being dishonest, or at least incorrectly critical when compared to, say, Moody's. But that doesn't seem to be what you're complaining about.


First, S&P is not a bank....they are a private credit analysis firm. In other words, your "question" is like asking why do we let "scientists" dictate science matters instead of the government...A nation's value belongs to THE PEOPLE...not the State. Credit ratings are a a way of grading a nation's job at guarding that value.

See...this is all part of your continuing misconception that governments actually create economic wealth and growth...They do not....they're job is to PROTECT it.


S&P isn't a bank. Neither are the othre raings services.
What they do is evaluate an entity (company, institution or government) based on that entity's money available, income, expenses and so on. It's an objective appraisal. If someone dosn't want a poor rating, all they have to do is manage theri finances in a responsible manner.

What yo want is to censor those ratings to make it look the way you think it shoud be. No way. Take your communist ideas and stuff it.


They're not doing anything to a nations "value" - merely reporting on their judgments on the credit-worthiness of those countries' current Governments. Since "banks" are the ones loaning the money, they have the right to determine WHO they're willing to lend to, and at what rates.
You need to understand "things" (like the World Economy) much better than you do.

Atmospheric Pressure

Just trust rating agency's, they are the people who gave a thumbs up on the derivatives market.


Yes we are watching the banksters take over, and in more ways that just S&P ratings.

The Republican dream of an unregulated "Free Market" run only by those who have the most (who happen to be the only ones Republicans really serve anyhow), is coming to fruition.


you've got to understand, the 'banks' are the NWO. the people are waiting for their govt to save them, LOL. they're too busy destroying other countries FOR the banks. wake up.

scott b

The S&P is NOT a bank (even if you put it in quotes). They are an asset rating agency.

Got Wild Staring Eyes

S & P also rate banks and corporations, that is what they do. Give ratings for all investments.