Who is cooler, Steve Urkle or Carlton Banks?

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Who is less of a nerd? Is it Carlton from The Fresh Prince, or is it that crazy Urkle kid from Family Matters? I have to know...its such an important life changing question. Please support your answer.

Banks in Carlton, OR

Answer (10):

ruth b

Carlton Banks of course! Fresh prince of bell air was a brilliant show, will smith's character was fantastic but it was supported by the brilliance of Carlton. Plus the character of Carlton Banks is much more believable than that of Steve Urkle.
I hope this solves your dilema,


Steve Urkle. He had that machine that allowed him to turn into Stephan Urquel...the cool him. Carlton Banks only had his daddy's money.


I think that Carlton Banks is so much cooler.His character eventually got less dorky. I mostly think that because he had so many better lines and jokes, more depth to his character.Steve was just a goofball.


Carlton for sure.. He got the moves

LA Law

First of all, you're a nerd for asking this. Everyone knows that Carlton was da man becz of his dancing skills.


Carlton Banks...I like his white man dance.

♦ Phoenix Rising♦

Wow this is a hard one! Umm Carlton simplyt b/c he was less annoying and did the white boy dance.


Carlton of course, besides those sexy dance moves he has heart and money ;) and a really cute cousin


Carlton! The episode where Tom Jones popped up in a "dream" and they both did the "its not unusual dance", HYSTERICAL!!!!


Carlton....he didnt have the pocket protector or the glasses