What you guys think of me popping the question my gf on the banks of the river foyle at sunset this weekend ?

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We're staying with her family in Culmore for a couple of weeks.

Answer (7):

Trust Me I'm a Doctor ♥

Buy midge repellent & be prepared for a "no" unless you are sure this is what she wants at this time in your lives.


That would be a great idea and I think it would make the moment more memorable that it would be in the first place. I think you should do it!!

Massive "Brax" Fan

Why do you feel the need to share this with the world? is nothing private anymore?


Let's hope she doesnt see your Yahoo Answers account....

Orla C

Sounds nice if you're into that sort of thing.


I think its sad that you are asking on here what do you want a medal

I should be doing something else

I don't care, I don't know you.