What party did AIG, JPMorganChase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America donate more to in 2008?

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AIG SPENDING 2008: Dems: $800,000 Reps: $400,000 http://opensecrets.org/orgs/summary.php?id=D000000123 JPMorganChase SPENDING 2008: Dems: $3,700,000 Reps: $2,400,000 http://opensecrets.org/orgs/summary.php?id=D000000103 Goldman Sachs SPENDING 2008: Dems: $4,500,000 Reps:...

Answer (7):


Thats because they knew that the Dems were going to win. Banks don't care what the political affiliation of a person is, just so long as he isn't a threat to them.


By asking what party they donated MORE to, you admit that they donated to both parties. They always donate the most to the party they think will win.

Yet another partisan tarred by his own brush!


You need a lot of money to elect a lying illegal.

Dodge 52

You answered your own question.

Tripp Smith

Obama is a whore. The sad part is those who vote for him dont care. Hes gonna screw his own voters eventually

Dan G

Do you have a point?

Bolt Thrower

not much of a discrepancy if you ask me.