What do you think of emerging superpowers (anti American) opening up a new world bank?

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The new world bank focuses on BRICKS currency only. Brazil, Russia, India,China, Korea and South Africa (BRICKS) oh wait its BRICS sorry my bad. Anyway Brics also wants no conflic with Syria and Iran they want just good ole fashion lip service. So much for "space" and national security. You can bet...

Banks in Russia, OH

Answer (6):


I'm all for it. Nothing like a good old competition.
Who exactly are you calling anti-American? Countries that successfully exercise their right to protect their own interests, identity, and sovereignty?

Citizen Of Big Br0Topia

Heck you know Obama already has a BriC platinum card


Lol, how is this anti-American?

You guys are always talking about how the US dollar is going to be worthless now because of "liberal economics" but get angry when people recognize this and act on it?

Sound of Silence is right, this is why we went into Libya. Except, we can't do the same here because theres no way in hell we're going to fight Russia, China, India, and Brazil at once...its not worth it.


Those countries are rejecting the corrupt and parasitic World Bank, IMF, European Central Bank, and American Central Bank (Federal Reserve) in favor of a central bank that doesn't plunder and control them.


Watch "The Obama Deception" to find out who's really behind all of these things.


And thus you discover why we unseated Quadaffi, and Sadam. They both wanted gold for oil and not USDs.