What are the Palstinans doing in the West Bank?

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this was a question some one put up a second ago
so i would like you to answer this
what is it YOU think they are doing

i think they are being persecuted by the jews
funny how the bullied can turn into bullies

Answer (9):

There aint half been some clever

The West Bank is to the East of Isreal. It's the west bank of the river Jordan. It's largely quiet there I think. It's the more affluent palestinian area, so has electricity, food, water, fuel. The people have homes and jobs. It's ruled by the mainly moderate Fatah party, and the people are mainly just trying to get on with their lives. Yeah, there's a few flash points with the Jewish settlers, but in general, calm.

Now on the other side of Isreal is the Gaza Strip. This is the place you hewre all the headlines about. The Gaza Strip is ruled by Hamas, the more hardline palestinian faction. They're as nuts as the ultr-orthodox lot. The Gaza Strip is a **** hole, effectively under siege by the Isrealis. Not enough food, fuel, water, medicine. No jobs, hospitals or schools. It's pretty much a war zone, and neither side is going to back down soon.

Kosher Ninja Chick JPA

So many errors in one post. Hard to know where to begin.

Ask yourself: where were the 'palestinians' when the West Bank was occupied by JORDAN, pre 1967...?

What is the answer?

Shall I tell you? Jordan stuck the Palestinian Arabs in CAMPS and then left them there to ROT. Egypt did the same with the Gaza Strip pre 1967: she mined the borders so they could not leave!

And the world didn't say a word.
And the 'palestinians' didn't say a word, didn't fire a missile, and declared themselves 'Arabs' and 'Jordanians'.
Ditto in Gaza: not a single complaint from the Palestinian Arabs there or the world or the international media. Not a SINGLE WORD.

Oh, and just to educate you: the term 'Palestinian' ALWAYS referred TO the Palestinian **Jews** - you know, the ***natives*** OF that region who have been there for the past 3500 years. Non stop.

That's why they were given that tiny sliver of land that we call Israel: because they were ALREADY THE MAJORITY LIVING THERE.

Go and acquire some knowledge. You're embarrassing yourself.

Gaza is not now, and never has been, 'under siege' by Israel. This lie can be DISproven easily as there are official records of ALL the aid that goes into Gaza - and besides, since when does ANY country PAY for the water, electricity and so on of people who openly aim to DESTROY said country???

Hamas is the only thing abusing Palestinian Arabs:

Palestinians open up about how Hamas is abusing them:

Hamas boasts about using innocents as 'human shields':

Gaza: Get the facts in six minutes:

Viva La Resistance (Honor&Glory)


both sides are persecuting each other. And most of the people there are innocent and want nothing to do with war.

Zionists vs Hamas

palestinian has no power to do any thing
(nobody seems to give a sh!t about the palestinians they are painted as just a hassle)

are you mentally ill?
Every single nation in the middle east supports Palestine. And all of them condemn Israel for even existing.


*Palestinians. I don't know. My biological father is over there, and it bothers me when people make fun of them or wish the Palestinians were all dead. It's just not right. Sorry for that little tangent.. lol :).

Dead Parrot Society

You know who really doesn't give a dam about them... all the Arab countries. They just use them as an excuse to condemn Israel.


the political west support unfair/occupation structure of jews

palestinian has no power to do any thing

Barrel Bottom

Yea...friggin hilarious how those Jews have the nerve to think they can defend themselves from rocket attacks and suicide bombers. The nerve of those guys.

stony mcpot

being attacked by the hate mongering jews.

I'm being serious i wish to expose the hebrew nation for what they really are



It's not funny at all