What are some popular U.K. Banks, more specifically, ones that are readily available in Oxford and London?

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I am an American student studying at the University of Oxford, St. Catherine's College this Fall semester. I am going to open up a british bank account, and I wanted to know of popular banks that are available ATM and bank wise, in and around Oxford and London? Additionally I will be taking trips to Ireland,...

Banks in Oxford, KS

Answer (5):


Natwest, Barclays, Lloyds, HSBC, Coutts & Co, C.Hoare & Co, RBS, Santander, Adam & Company.
My Parent's bank at Coutts & Co.

David S

Avoid Santander. They are woefully inefficient. Try:-
Nat West
Nationwide (a 'building society' that operates just like a bank)
Your bank should give you a card which you can use to withdraw money from cash machines at virtually any branch of any bank in the U.K.. Also it might be worth asking your American bank whether they have any sort of reciprocal arragement with any of the British banks. This may preclude you from becoming involved with the fearsome beaurocracy involved in opening an account here


Pretty much all of the major banks allow each others customers to use their ATM's. This applies across the UK. Natwest is owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland, who also own Citizens Bank in the US.

Sam Moore

Santander, Hallifax, Loyds TSB, barclays, natwest


Barclays is probably your safest bet, they are everywhere. Or a member of the Santander group or you could try Nationwide.