Twelve Democratic Senators spent last weekend in Miami Beach Ritz Calrton with Big OIL, BANK and Tabbacco?

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Liberals weres the outrage? Is it OK for liberal senators to cozy up with big business. Are these senators ignoring your wishes and only pandering to you while selling out to "evil" Corporations? senators including DSCC Chairman Robert Menendez Michigan's Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow Bob...

Banks in Miami, OK

Answer (10):


You must be one of the people who think that a lobbyist's job is to buy votes. It may happen sometimes, but that isn't politics as usual, no matter what you have been led to believe. EVERY bill in congress was written by and influenced by lobbyists. It only makes sense that people deciding the future of energy in the country would want to hear what the people who control the energy companies would have to say. It would only be wrong if they didn't listen to what the environmentalists and other energy producers have to say as well before making a decision. (If you remember--that's what the outrage was about when Bush met with these guys and called it an energy summit.)


This is another one of those partisan questions. Democrat vs. Republican. But both of those parties suck. They're both addicted to the filthy money of corporations. Democrats are just as addicted to corporate money as Republicans. In many cases they are more addicted. Remember to vote third party and keep close watch of how many dollars your candidate receives and who he/ she is receiving it from. Just say no to corporate candidates. Because whoever they receive money from becomes their master and the citizens then take a backseat. Corporate candidates still suck.

Dr. Phil of sh*t

I live in Mi. Levin and Stabenow are going down in the next election.
The next Govenor will be Pete Hoekstra (R)

George S

That's OK. They are Democrats. We don't need to watch them. They are automatically OK. We only watch Republicans.

Please understand Republicans are bad because we have a negative, mean-spirited image of them. Democrats are good because we have a positive, warm-and-fuzzy image of them. That's how we judge things, by emotionally based image. Colder reasoning is the "mean-spirited" way.


Liberals are the party of Do As I Say Not As I Do. They're the party of "save the earth, but don't criticize my private jet or mansion."

Still Quazee

Yeah, whatzup with that? I thought it was the nasty, evil republicans that were always 'cozy' with business and union bosses? And did they make it down there on their own 'dime'? Not likely, eh?

What's 0bama gonna do, bite the hands that fed him to the top?


The Conservative Supreme Court overruled regulations on corporate campaign spending. You think all that $$ is only going to go towards Republicans? HA!


Why is that surprising? Fortune 500 Execs favor Democrats:


I have said time and time again both parties have failed us, you are a fool for only attacking democrats and you thought you had a point...


Since they participated in gay sex.................... it would be a form of discrimination if they were question