Answer (1):

Dibbs L

Let me guess - use the American Tax dollars to bail them all out! Wrong answer but you can bet that's what these two have in mind in the name of solving the problem. Tuesday, the Fed will reduce interest rates again - do you know what this means? It means they will print more money - money that is not backed by anything. Then, the dollar will depreciate more and we will decline in the world market. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal or has a Reserve of anything - we are probably in the neighborhood of $60 Trillion in debt truth be told. This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and we need to put a stop to it.

Be a smart voter and research both candidates voting records - you will find McCain and Biden have had 22+ and 36+ years respectively to fix the problems and neither have done anything. Obama was too busy learning Washington, voting NV (not present or not voted) on all the tough issues because his whole mission is to be in power. So, we don't know what to expect from him but history generally repeats itself and oh, we have such short memories - we have heard it all before and have been lied to. Palin - who knows and who cares? Nice try John but not cutting it. All of these are the same and part of a two-party system that has been ruining this country since at least the 1930's. Here are some sites to help you research ALL the candidates you are interested in. Do not the let media control this election. There are many candidates to choose from but only a few have qualified in all states. Here's the great big list: Here is the list of who is qualified by states: