Since Romney wants banks deregulated; he has no morals because he backs predatory lending practices?

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Cons, you want no regulations on banking practices^! Remember those bail-outs, the CEO's who should be in prison and the immorality of predatory lending.

Answer (6):


What an idiot question. Banks would do well to be de regulated what do you know??? Did the Obama koolaid rot your brains?? Lil kids have no room in politics!

Mittens Romney Pres
Rubens or Bush VP 2012!


They want no regulations on anything. They want their Wall Street pals to be able to rape the country yet again.

Obama, 2012 - let’s keep an adult in the White House


The problems the banks have is the gov regulations, the only way a bank can screw you is if gov gives them your money.........btw, you didn't ask a question.

Justin Thyme

More hate and BS.

black leopard

what's the question?


He's a republican... what do you expect...