Should i rob a bank cos im broke and jobless and hve very little dosh?

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should i rob a bank ok awnser has 3 outcomes first and best outcome is i get away scots free im rich second out come kinda bad i get caught and go to jail but but but im fed and and live fr free in jail fr maby next ten years r so third outcome very bad i get shot dead by police in process thts it no more...

Banks in Crane, IN

Answer (8):

Idanre Magus

You know- it just hit me!

Many poor people with little cash and less sense, have robbed banks- ostensibly pleading when apprehended that they "needed the money to survive."

MEANWHILE, the banks make huge profits, are staffed by mental wizards, whom, in another Universe would have been, even Rocket Scientists. They have all the money in town, and A BUNCH OF PUNKS comes and knocks them all over- HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?

Any failed bank robber should be hoisted into his grave with a *CRANE, after trying to rob a bank. Their grave should be labeled a "Toxic Waste Dump!"

Robbing a bank should be the least workable "means to survive" ever tried!


Well there would be a problem first is the spelling! How will you be able to leave the bank when you can't read?

SN Bad bad idea


Well I hear prison food is great. You'll get a lot of nookie too. Food sex and a lot of time to just hang out... What more could you want out of life?


You don't sound smart enough to pull off a bank robbery.

Pearl L

theres other solutions, go get some help from social services, im jobless myself


No. Don't take things from others just because you don't have those things yourself.

You should seek financial help. There are people who can help.


Got no money, just take it from someone else. Yeah thats a great idea......NOT!
Do you have a conscience?


No! what, are you crazy! you'll be in more debt than what you are already! Get help, get a job or something!