Should bank robbers now be considered freedom fighters?

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For trying to take back some of the trillions of tax dollars stolen from the people for their bailout? For trying to take back the trillions more in inflation because of trillion dollar wars and other spending that's not possible without the banks printing more dollars at interest?

Answer (6):

Congo Bama

During the Great Depression, some bank robbers also destroyed mortgage records -- a popular move!

That just wouldn't work in this day and age.

"Among the most daring of crimes, bank robbery has always held a certain fascination with Americans. In the 1930's, the heyday of spectacular robberies, many people struggling through the Depression saw banks as ruthless oppressors and often cheered the exploits of Dillinger, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, and Charles Arthur (Pretty Boy) Floyd, who often destroyed mortgage records while stealing from banks, in a gesture of solidarity with ordinary people..."


It is an old question

Which is the bigger crime -- to open a bank or to rob one?

It was asked by a man who I will not name here - because it just causes bias to an otherwise good question

It should be no surprise that the people printing the money control the money --- and that with little or no supervision the obvious happens fairly quickly -- and it has happened

---------- Most people will never think twice about that dollar in their pocket -

If your Canadian you see the Queen - If your American you see a President --- and from there a lot of really false assumptions begin which are of course meant to happen

Few know how the money system works most have been deceived into thinking they can't understand it is too complex

Einstein said that there was not one principle in physics that could not be understood by the average 6 yr old if it was properly explained

I believe that -- and I know for a fact that the concepts of our money system are no where near as complex and the physics that Einstein said could be explained to a 6 yr old

Back to the question -- the bigger crime is to rob the bank --- from the bankers point of view --

The bigger crime being that the bank robs people everyday is never to be addressed -- and so it is not

--------- From the peoples point of view it is also the bigger crime to rob the bank because the legal robbery of the people by the bank will expand to include the losses - Group punishment will occur to not only make up for the loss but also to make a profit off the loss

The bank once robbed will claim on it's insurance and have that sum replaced - it will then hike it's own rates on the poor but not on the rich for services rendered by as little as 1/2 a cent and that will in a month equal millions depending on how many depositors they rob as a result of the loss which of course was not a loss

The issue of how much and in what way does the bank rob the people has been neatly forgotten in all of this as it is out of bounds for discussion

And since we the poor stupid people do not know how or ever could understand how the money system works --- we will never ever ask

Conditioning distraction isolation use of jargon and the subtle imposition of a class system along with a carrot and stick philosophy have allowed the bankers to rule over billions of people with little trouble at all

If all were not so clearly simple and evil I would say it is brilliant -

Brilliant in that it is so simple the average person is unable to see it -- and when they get a glimpse they can just be told to shut up --- and they do


How is stealing other peoples money, lead to being freer?

The Billions of dollars paid into the banking system never made it as far as any bank that a robber would have access to.

Eartha W

Yes. As long as when they take the money from the bank...they distribute it evenly amongst the homeless, the dispossessed and the minimum wage workers they find immediately within the vicinity of the bank.

In fact if they do it that way i think they should receive Government Funding for their bank raids!!


Excuse me but I thought they were all being recruited into cabinet positions for the anointed one .


yes. power to the people.