Ron / Rand Paul supporters did u c Rand is polling WAY above banker bailout Senator's group candidate in KY?

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Rand Paul 44%, Secretary of State Trey Grayson 25% McConnell and 22 other GOP senators (17 of whom had voted for the bank bailouts) already held one withing-the-beltway fundraiser for Grayson and have another planned, but Grayson went from ahead, to 'just behind' Rand in the primaries, to this. What...

Banks in Center, KY

Answer (4):


Rand will win - it's a shame his father was black-balled by the media (and his own party). Had Ron Paul been elected president, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.

I think this is a signal to both parties that people want to be heard. I'm just afraid it is too late.

Van Buren

I just want people with brains in office. So, Republicans.

Zal, giving money to people doesn't solve anything, it just runs you out of money. Charity is just that, Charity. It shouldn't be forced.


Ah yes, I love polls with a bias slant.

Ron Paul/Rand Paul and all their ilk are ignorant fools who know nothing about economics. Rich white people and their kids thinking we should help the poor out less and be able to do whatever we want for money.


i think its awesome

Paul 2010 - KY
Schiff 2010 - CT