Qusetions about Israel, Palestine, and the West Bank?

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1. What is Palestine, and why is it not on the map?

2. What is the West Bank and who does it belong to?

3. Which country is Bethlehem in?

The whole geography of this area is really confusing to me.

Answer (10):


Yeah, it's confusing, and people will not give you answers that match up universally. It's because of political issues ranging from recognizing Israel's existence to what should be in Palestine, so no one will give you the same answer. Here is mine, though, as I see it, if it helps:

1. Good question. There are a few different answers to this, so I'll break it up in the following paragraphs.

Palestine as some people talk about it is the proposed state that would take place in the West Bank and Gaza (i.e., the borders). The issue is that it isn't a state yet, for various diplomatic reasons, and people point the blame for that all over the place.

There is also the Palestinian region, which was named such by the Romans back around 2000 years ago. It's basically today's Israel and Jordan, and some other foreign entities referred to it, they used Palestine following the Roman lead. The Romans renamed it to piss off the people there, who knew it more as Israel.

There is also the Palestine of the Bible, known also as Philistine. Not the same area as the others, not totally, and some think that it's not the same people.

There is arguable a "destroyed" nation; however, the nation they refer to when others claim such really never existed. Palestine as others know it has only ever been hypothetical, and not a real independent entity, at least not yet.

When referring to Palestinians, I kinda use definition #2 - Arabs from the area, basically. Palestinian is not a nationality, which is what some people want to use it as but can't since it's not a nation.

2. The West Bank's rule is up for debate. Until 1967 the answer was simply Jordan, who obtained it and 1948 and held onto it without question. Because it's now under Israeli jurisdiction, many think that the Israelis have it unlawfully. Israel does control it, but is willing to negotiate it's release to Arab Palestinian leaders to create Palestine in exchange for peace and other things. Currently, these negotiations are going no where, but there is still hope that someday things could happen.

3. Hard to say. It's in the West Bank... so under Israeli jurisdiction, BUT the Palestinian Authority does control it in practically every way. But the PA isn't a national group... they want to create Palestine, with it in it, but that's not the answer. It's best to say that it is in limbo at the moment.


Historically, Palestine referred to the region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River and the name is older than Romans' period. In 1948 most of Palestine was wiped out and most of its Arab population sent to exile to create a Jewish-majority state that we know today as Israel. Palestine today refers only to the West Bank and Gaza strip, where the remaining Palestinian Arab population is concentrated. Palestine is defined in the map but its still not independent as it has been under Israeli colonial occupation for more than 40 years now.

West Bank is Palestinian territory located West of Jordan River. Its recognised as part of the future Palestinian state, but Israel still occupies it (except some pockets of Palestinian self-rule).

Bethlehem is a West Bank city with large Christian population. West Bank is governed by the Palestinian authority but it suffers mainly because of travel restrictions imposed by Israel which lead to massive Christian emigration and a sharp drop in Christian population.


1. Palestine can refer to two things: First, and initial thing, is one of the many names of the land that is currently the state of Israel, along with some other territories. Similar to how France was once called Gaul.

Palestine, the proposed state of the Palestinians, describes the national identity of the native arabs in the area of Palestine that, when Israel was created, they did not assimilate like many Israeli Arabs did, rather, they became refugees, or lived in territories annexed by Jordan and Egypt). The first reference to Palestinian in the context of arab nationalism was likely the PLO Charter, created in 1964 (note that this was before the six day war where Israel captured the west bank after being attacked by Jordan- 'Palestine' in the terms of the initial charter referred to the entire state of Israel and called for her destruction).

2. The West Bank is a territory that is between the Green Line, which is the non-binding border between Israel and Jordan after the 1948 war of independence, and Jordan, whose border is the Jordan River. It is not a country. It is a territory.

There are 3 areas within the West Bank. Area A is the part that is under full PLO control- no Israelis are allowed here. It is under the complete control of the Palestinian authorities. As of 2011, this constituted about 18 percent of the West Bank.

Area B is under joint Israeli and Palestinian security forces. This constitutes about 21 percent of the West Bank.

Finally, there is area C. This is the area with full Israeli civil and military control, and is about 60 percent of the West Bank. Although it is about 60 percent of the land area, it houses less than 5 percent of the Palestinian Population. It also houses what are typically called Israeli settlements. These are simply cities and towns with Israeli jurisdiction and access. Contrary to popular belief, these were not built on top of Arab towns. These areas are legally owned by Israelis, and the settlements are built on previously unoccupied land. Because the PLO is counter to this, they forbid the sale of arab owned land in Palestine to Jews.

Since the 1995 Oslo II accords, when Palestinian administration was allowed areas in the West Bank and the entirety of Gaza, The areas B and C have shrunk, while Area A, under PLO administration, has grown.

3. Bethelehem is a major Palestinian City located in Area A of the West Bank. It does not belong to any specific country, however is under Palestinian administration. Because Palestine is not a recognized country, it still is technically part of the West Bank territory.


> 1. What is Palestine, and why is it not on the map?

After Rome liquidated the kingdom of Judea, the Roman Province of Syria-Palestina included the area that is currently Israel and about five Arab countries.

Under British control (1920 to 1948), the area was "British mandate Palestine"
(before 1920 it was part of the Ottoman Empire)

It is not on the map because the area currently includes five or more countries.

You should find it on a historical map of the Roman empire
or a post-wwI and pre-1948 map.
(note - it changed fairly dynamicaly from 1920 to 1948 as Britain and France parceled it out to favored Sheiks)

Arab nationalist activists in 1964 adopted the name "Palestinian" to define the Arabs living in Israel as of 1946 and "Palestine" as any area that is under the control of Israel.

Today, there are two contries called "Palestinian Authority" on lands that Israel ceded to Arab nationalists who wanted to create a "Jew-free" homeland.

> 2. What is the West Bank and who does it belong to?

The area Jordan conquered from Israel in 1949 and surrendered back to Israel in 1967.
It is substantialy the historical areas of Judah and Samaria.
Today, a large part of it is the country of "Palestinian Authority" which is controlled by PLO-Fatah
(the other country with the same name is in the Gaza territory, near Egypt, and controlled by Hamas)
The rest of it is Israel.

> 3. Which country is Bethlehem in?

The West Bank Palestinian Authority

Digital Path

Palestine is a name given the region by the Greeks and Romans because they found it inhabited by Philistines who had migrated there while on their way to a failed attempt to invade Egypt and Greek territories,

It is not the preferred name of the area as chosen by Israelis.

But the name stuck with outsiders and the locals that remained through the ottoman empire and the arab wars and the crusades,,,To the point the British assumed benevolent control of the area after ww1 and ww2.

Look up "British mandate Palestine"

The partition of the entire middle east region was sponsored and accomplished by the British
They made many appeasements based on their discovery of oil in Arab controlled areas.

The west bank is the land west of the Jordan river to Jerusalem

Bethlehem is south of Jerusalem and is in the political control of the "Palestinian Authority" that was also created by the British and they are mostly controlled by Moslem representation.

However during the 6day war Israel assumed an overriding military control of the region

The disputes are about the reach and misuse of that control.

In an attempt to appease the the international community the Israelis do a bit of negotiating and make a few verbal concessions,


Millions of Jews and Christians believe the land belongs to the Israelis

And millions of Moslems dont


1. The name "Palestine" is originally the geographical name for Israel, like Iberian Peninsula for Spain & Portugal or African Horn for Somalia & Ethiopia, the name "Palestine" was given by the Romans after they conquered Israel, the reason why it is not on map is because there it's not a country, the Arabs use the name "Palestine" as an excuse to attack Israel.
2. The West Bank was a territory occupied by Jordan, Israel claimed it fairly in 1967 to defend itself, it is a disputed territory, but currently now, it belongs to Israel.
3. Bethlehem is in the West Bank, which is a disputed territory, but currently owned by Israel, so technically it's in Israel.


palestine is a historical term referring to modern israel, the west bank and gaza strip. during the colonial period there was a british colony named palestine. after 1948 it was divided between the state of israel and the arab states. today palestine refers to the palestinian autonomy on the west bank and gaza.

the west bank was a part of jordan until 1967 and after 6 days war was occupied by israel. today the palestinian autonomy holds parts of the west bank, israel holds some parts and the remaining territory is in combined israeli- palestinian control.

bethlehem is a part of the palestinian autonomy.

God The Grandpa

that's a very loaded question

1. Palestine is the name the Romans gave to the land, which was considered part of Syria
as for today it depends on who you ask... those Israelis and Palestinians who wish to live in peaceful coexistence with each other desire a future state of Palestine to raise up, although it's borders are still to be defined.

2. the west bank... seriously couldn't you wiki it? the west bank is the west bank of the Jordan river were most of the Palestinian population is concentrated. who does it belong to> to the people who were born and lived their for generations. countries are superfluous, but the people right to govern themselves and shape their society is necessary.

3. it is in Palestine south of Jerusalem

13th guide

All the answers have differences, but you have been given plenty of leads to start your study, then you will have an opinion on the subject,
"Palestine" is what it is to those that care about it.
The earth is the Lords and the fullness there-of, and all those that dwell in it.

Some Drunk German Guy

Palestine is region name.
to Jews They call it Judea and Samaria, ( I dont know why they add ''and' part)
to Arabs west bank is part of their countrty

Bethlehem is in west bank