Petr Hain is an accused Bank robber and Donation cheat, so why would the people of Neath vote him back in?

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Are Welsh people so thick as to vote this scumbag back into a cosy little safe New Labour seat like Neath, surly the people of Neath have learnt their lesson by now and should be keen to get up and oust him asap or is the tribal vote so strong they would vote 'Peter Sucliff in if he put himself up as a New...

Banks in Strong, AR

Answer (3):


Because it is a Labour stronghold. Sadly there's no UKIP candidate in Neath to challenge the thief.

Mr Sceptic

Perhaps he's a good constituency MP? Perhaps the people of Neath understand that an acquital suggests that he did not commit the crime you keep harping on about.

I've actually no time for Hain, but to see someone as far up Griffin's fundament as you are, call anyone else a scumbag is quite hilarious!

EDIT: Two lies in your extra comment

Lie 1 : I have never said all dyslexics are thick. Just you.

Lie 2: I didn't call you a Nazi scumbag. Read my answer a little more carefully.

I have plenty of friends. They don't make up things about me, call me a 'fibber' and refuse to accept what I tell them about myself as true.


Reading your previous question I guess you hope the people vote in the BNP
Like they are going to be any better