Answer (10):

Big Red

Another ignorant person. Even if 'they' own the banks...what difference does it make to you or me? Hint, hint...I think most jews are white. So, just don't worry about you have enough money to own a bank? Didn't think so!


The premise is silly. Jews have done well in banking and other professional fields, but they certainly don't own the system or have a dominant role in running it. And, as a previous responder has correctly noted, Jews are (for the most part) white. (Although the late Sammy Davis Jr., who was Jewish, obviously wasn't).


According to the Bible if a White person becomes a slave to a Jew for 7 years and promises to obey all the laws of Moses. Then the Jew can Perice the white persons ear and give him a earring. This makes him a honorary Jew.

If you do this in 7 years you could be eligible to become a Jewish banker.


I think you need to rethink what you said. What a condescending, discriminatory question.

Jews don't "own" the banking system. Some Jewish people are very astute with financial matters but that doesn't mean all financial institutions are run by them. Jews come in every color of the rainbow, just like we do.

And why, with the major frauds perpetrated by "white men" in banking would you want your bank to be run by one of them?

Find something else to do with your spare time and quit bothering us with these infantile questions.


The best way is for you to get a job, save some money, and "return it" to all the white people you want. This is America, after all, and it's your right to do that. There's a Yiddish saying, "the girl that can't dance says the band can't play." I take it that you are not very financially successful, right?


Jews do not own the banking system. This is a common propaganda legend that comes from Neo-Nazism and other anti-Semetic movements.

Do you really agree with that type of organization? I hope not.


Most banks have a listing on their sites of the board of directors - go look at them and you will find that the vast majority of banks are not in fact owned by Jewish people.

That is unsupported by this little thing that bigots don't like - something called "facts". Try giving them a try.


Um, I work for a bank. We are not owned by Jews, and I have yet to see any of our competitors who are owned by Jews. You're an idiot... :P


Step back into your time machine and return to the 30's in Germany where you belong.


why does it matter who runs the bank system. that is just an ignorant comment. it is a stereotype. and if u trying to be funny u suck at it