Need to find banks in LeHigh, Utah?

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Names of banks in this town

Banks in American Fork, UT

Answer (3):


I think your looking for lehi not lehigh.

Bank Of American Fork Lehi Branch
(801) 766-1000
712 E Main St
Lehi, UT 84043-2284

Wells Fargo Bank
(801) 342-2274
760 E Main St
Lehi, UT 84043-2284

Wells Fargo Bank
(801) 342-2274
760 E Main St
Lehi, UT 84043-2284

Central Bank
(801) 766-3886
475 E Main St
Lehi, UT 84043-2243


LeHigh is not listed as a city in Utah.
Nothing on yahoo local or maps

It must be a small suburb or you have misspelled it.

Once you have the correct spelling, you can look up banks on yahoo local


First of all, you are spelling it wrong. It's Lehi.