Isn't it illegal for Obama's car czar to give GM's worker's pensions to JP Morgan Bank?

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Dimon is the CEO of JP Morgan Chase bank. While GM workers are losing their retirement health benefits, their jobs, their life savings; while shareholders are getting zilch and many creditors getting hosed, a few privileged GM lenders - led by Morgan and Citibank - expect to get back 100% of their loans to GM, a...

Answer (4):

Joseph L

Aren't most of the things Obama has done illegal?
Breaking contracts in the mortgage industry, not letting bond holders get fair compensation in bankruptcy court, forcing some banks to take tarp money, closing profitable dealerships and seizing their assets?

Paul Grass groupie

Obama already got what he wanted from the Auto workers and Detroit and that was to be allowed to steal the auto industry from the American people. He doesnt need them anymore now he kissin the rears of the Hispanics for their vote anyway.

in vino veritas

You don't understand the tiers of bankruptcy law, now do you?

Human Cattle 555-55-5555

well, well, imagine that.