Is it time to end the federal reserve bank?

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think we should maybe i dont know cut the head off the snake???

Banks in Glen Head, NY

Answer (5):


And replace it with what?

Scooter - no he didn't. Geithner was President of the NY Federal Reserve Bank and vice chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee- never Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Go back to a fixed money supply? And so back to the days of the gold standard where 45% of the time was spent in recession, where there was no real economic growth for the entire 19th Century?

And what about all the other things the Federal Reserve does other than manage the money supply? Do you even know what they do - or are you just parroting Glen Beck nonsense without bothering to understand it first?


Did you know Obama nominated a Federal Reserve Chairman to be Secretary of the Treasury?

I hope you're not an Obama supporter.


Yes and while we're at it, get rid of the electoral college also. And while we are at it oil speculators and lobbyists.

chris tanzu

and go back barter system ? how do solved the problem ?

