Is CCP going to take World Bank chief's urges to better manage urbanisation in China?

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by Reuters – 13 hours ago, A taxi driver urinates next to a wall sprayed with graffiti in the centre of Shanghai …more BEIJING (Reuters) - China must plan its massive urbanisation better to limit environmental damage and to ensure that millions of migrants benefit more from the process, World Bank Group...

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Answer (2):

Liu Maoxing

CCP ought to do something in order to solve the urban-rural disparity. Urban-rural disparity is one of China's biggest problem right now. Due to the big social disparity, poverty rate is increased and social discrimination is quite rampant.

So, the CCP must take the World Banks chief's advice to fix China's living standard and reduce the social gap. CCP should concentrate more on China's development on the remote areas and inland areas. Fixing the welfare system and infrastructures are most important to reduce the social gap.

1. Start from providing free schools and education system for the citizens, so everyone can go to school.
2. Install safe electricity in the rural and inland areas, so the people from many parts of China can enjoy safe electricity.
3. Dig the well in the remote areas, inland areas, and mountainous areas. Make a clean water sewage system like Singapore. So everyone in China can afford clean water.
4. Provide more free healthcare for the citizens, especially the poor ones. So, everyone can have healthcare and the health of the citizens will be improved.
5. Invest more on the cleaner energy source rather than coal such as hydraulics, wind, solar, etc.
And the CCP should do more reforestation and protect the bio-diversity.
6. Provide more jobs for Chinese people from the inland areas and rural areas. Protect the rights to the farmers for their land ownership.

Those things must be completed by establishing a country system with 3 power separation (trias politica), good independent watch groups, transparency, good anti-corruption body, and good laws and regulations.

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